New Builds

Site Analysis

Site analysis of the selected property inclusive of topographic features, vegetation, soil conditions, irrigation availability, view corridors and environmental impact areas.

Conceptual Design Alternatives

Conceptual design alternatives exploring routing scenarios, inclusive of clubhouse, parking, and maintenance building locations. Develop preliminary construction cost estimates, 3-D modelling, flythroughs and a colour rendering for presentation purposes.

Construction Implementation

Construction implementation inclusive of detail design plans, tender, contact and specification documents, contract administration, on-site supervision, and construction budget refinement.

Post Construction follow-up

Post construction follow-up, including deficiency, warranty inspections, client engagement in publicity, and promotion of the golf course. Final colour rendering of the course depicting as-built features. On-going design review.

“Cam is a great listener and as such has the innate ability to understand the needs of a club and assist in providing the value proposition to course improvement”

David Main, COO / General Manager, Lambton Golf & Country Club

Restoration and Renovation

Long Range Planning and Asset Enhancement

Long range planning and asset enhancement of the existing golf features/course inclusive of base mapping, historical lineage assessment, preliminary report, and conceptual propositions.

Communication and Engagement

Communication and engagement with the superintendent, golf committees, focus groups, town hall presentations, board of directors and membership presentations. Graphic and written communication using before and after photo manipulation, animated flythrough’s, colour renderings and written reports.

Construction Implementation

Construction implementation including detailed construction estimates, detailed design plans, construction tender, specifications, contract administration and on-site supervision.

Post Construction

Post construction follow-up including deficiency, warranty inspections, client engagement in publicity and promotion of the course changes. On-going design review.